#05 Better decisions with market intelligence

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If you want to make good decisions, you need the necessary data and information for your relevant markets and competitors. StrategyFrame® partner Cedura helps corporate decision-makers to know their relevant markets and their competitors as well as possible, thus optimizing internal decision management. This accelerates the situation analysis within the strategy process and enables you to adjust the strategy as quickly as possible through automation and regular updates in the CedDecider software. For this purpose, CedDecider is directly integrated into the digital StrategyFrame®. This makes StrategyFrame® and the leading market intelligence provider, Cedura, an unbeatable team for your digital strategy process.


CEDURA: https://cedura.de/

Sascha Dongowski on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sascha-dongowski-17a743ab/

Prof. Dr. Arno Lammerts on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alammerts/

Christian Underwood on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianunderwood/

Hope is not a Strategy Podcast: https://www.strategy-frame.com/pages/strategiepodcast

Strategy book "Hope is not a strategy": https://www.strategy-frame.com/pages/strategiebuch

Digital strategy tool: https://www.strategy-frame.com/

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